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 Post subject: High School vs NFL
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:52 am 
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So i flick the dial back & forth on my morning commute, but mostly stay on am1000 or now Steve Dahl.

I stay on the station that has a topic/segment that holds my attention.

So, today's choice for me was...listening to North talk about his high school basketball coaching prowess & of course he puts himself out in front of the story...some other coach is accusing of him of something or other...Who knows...who cares!...Anyway he is talking high school basketball & HIMSELF....Soooo....

I switch back to Mike & Mike and hear nothing but NFL talk & interview(s), sound bites, and playoff talk. Gee....North stroking himself & talking about "his" HS basketball team or listening to NFL talk.

North is becoming a bigger prick everyday. Not only was I not interested in his "Don's" segment....I was totally pissed off at how he was putting himself out in front of the story. Arrogant PRICK.

AM1000 in the morning.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:53 pm 
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Joined: Fri May 04, 2007 6:32 pm
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Agreed. I've noticed that the MNMS is taking on more of an FM morning show feel. It still covers sports...but you have an odd/strange combination of the following...

Segments that make no sense and have no sports-related connection that would work on an FM morning show: See Fred's Movie Reviews

A LOT of talk about non-sports related "slice of life" stuff: See discussions of holiday house decorations, Mike's adventures with his buddies in his basement during New Year's, Mike's adventures at the OTB or Tony's Deli

The ditzy female sidekick who tries to sound intelligent: See Jen Patterson

Even the "news updates" have taken a more FM slant. It's the same type of stuff over and over...trite or "news of the weird" material...more for entertainment rather than information. We have to hear the latest insignificant details of the Drew Peterson fiasco (or the Family Secrets Trial which thankfully went away). There may be some legitimate stuff tucked away that needs to be focused on more. Maybe we'll soon hear about the story of a drunk man wandering into a gas station and getting into a fight with a gas pump before passing out on the concrete.

If there was a Chicago-oriented Mike & Mike equivalent, I'd be glued. True, M&M still talk about their families on the air...but the morning isn't dominated with the "who gives a crap" factor. They're on sports 95% of the time.

Back up in your ass with The Resurrection!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:53 pm 
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I have really listened minimally lately, not for any reason, just busy, but I would say my memory does some to recal all ND HS Basketball talk, as if he is now part of some major college Program, it has gotten a little much of a topic that myself and probably 99% of the listeners could care less about. I am sure though guys still call in and want to talk St Leo, or Rita hoops!

Hmm, Didn't J Hood do this show once before?

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