ZephMarshack wrote:
Jbi11s wrote:
I just don't get why you guys are taking this so personally. I don't think anyone here is an OKC fan above all else.
You guys are acting like he's dating your daughter or something.
It's not that serious. It's sports. The Bulls won't be good again until the Warriors era is almost finished anyway. Knee jerk hatred is a Chicago specialty, but I just don't understand it here.
Knee jerk hatred is always justified in sports if it's a guy not playing on your team. As you said, it's not the serious, so why does it bother you that there's this kind of blowback?
You're sounding a bit like all the Grantland and NBA Twitter blowhards who were shocked, just shocked that people who weren't fans of the Heat would ever root against Lebron. This move is in the same class as that one, so similar disdain shouldn't be shocking. I'd note that at least the Heat fans seemed to embrace playing the villain, while the Golden State fans I've read today are being hyper defensive; I guess 2 seasons worth of bullshit about how humble Steph is (

) and blather about how they're built "the right way" didn't adequately prepare them for the metric ton of hatred that's going to be coming their way next season.
If you want the more cosmopolitan answer though, I find the league substantially less interesting when there are moves that reduce competitive balance. I enjoy close games and series, and would much prefer to consume those than be lectured all season about how I should just Appreciate Greatness in the course of blowouts.
I just don't agree with knee jerk reactions in general. Too many sports fans can't objectively look at any situation. Hot take sports society has seriously fucked up the way we perceive professional athletics.
I am a blow hard. There are extraneous circumstances that are causing me to project negativity on you guys. Sorry for that.
Totally agree I was so sick of the Currys, specifically Ayesha, by the end of the finals. In all honesty tho, they were only framed as the darlings of the NBA by the media. I mean you have a dirty dick puncher, and a guy who struts after every crucial 3 pointer made on your team. I'm sure the blowback was well in motion by the start of the playoffs last year, but Espn ran with a different narrative. If GS thought teams were bringing it against them last season, just wait.
This is the way the league is set up. It's what was bargained for. I agree the NBA can't really afford to have a playoff competition like this past season. Like I said before tho, the NBA has consistently had stretches where you know who the 2 or 3 teams are that will be fighting for the trophy in June.
I guess everyone is just acting brand new, and that bothers me.
Nardi wrote:
Weird, I see Dolphin looking in my asshole