Frank Coztansa wrote:
It really is the truth.
That is what has bugged me more than anything over the last couple of weeks. All of these protests, social media wars, #NotMyPresident, etc etc etc does not mean a damn thing if its business as usual over the next four years. The one thing about Trump is that his is different for the Republicans. It was partly the same thing that got Rauner elected. People think, "Wow this guy is different so lets vote for him" and then everybody bitches about it when he wins. Clearly the status quo for the Democrats is not working. Just because Trump is President does not mean that nothing can be done over the next four years.
Lets be better than the Republicans. Forget the marching and making protest signs. Put that effort into doing something for the good of the party so that in four years things look radically different. I usually think Michael Moore is a complete blowhard, but this weekend he said something that I agree with 100%. I'm paraphrasing, but he said 'we need new leadership in the Democratic party. Younger leadership. Brown leadership, black leadership, women leadership, etc.' We certainly do.
Cablinasians. Cablinasians.
Most awesome 'firsts' in USA History. Pipple love them. TV loves them.
Some are saying those pipple even ski.