seriously, this is why *skypoint* invented *skypoint*s-- yesterday and now today have been some kind of mellifluously idyllic "veritable San Diego impersonation" and seriously, much like i realized one dec 26th morning in San Diego [proper] where i woke up and scratched my nuts and went out to get the newspaper and it was like 63 degrees out or something--- this is [where/how] humans are supposed to life!
idk about all y'all guys, but i've been able to maximize my enjoyment of the last two days by "going afuera" with, example, a nice jack+coke and greasy NYC-style pepperoni slice circa sunset whilst i'm putzing down central park from diversey to that old train line that got turned into a bike trail snapping pics of graffiti, checking out the "local talent" in the area, and of course exhaling a few effervescent breezes of "elevated perspective" while bumping some slick internet radio on my newly-unlimited verizon 4GLTE deal [where you could encase me in concrete and bury me 6ft underground and i'd probably still get 3-4 signal bars while i'm grabbing some albums off of my filehost @ ~300k/sec whilst streaming the dark drum and bass channel at ~64kbps fidelity] before popping around to a few places until i found a decent game of 21 [basketball] b4 it got too dark out -- you know, kind of doing it simple-n-[off-the-grid] akin to how i'd manage to have thoroughly non-touristy days of relative adventure-n-!!! for under ~$15-20 in harlem... except i'm doing the same thing in my own damn city, and this weather has me feeling like it's as inherently-!!! as a trip to harlem! #ThankYouBasedSkilling!
obviously my mentioning this here along with 312player's bold proclamation in another thread that we've had a "mild winter" means that we're likely gonna have a foot or two of snow fall around april 4th or something, but until that point i'm just gonna "sit back, relax, and strap it down"[whlle remembering that i gotta look and see if T-mobile is doing that thing where their customers get FREE premium accounts.... holy shit that was just about the awesomest thing ever last year/season and arguably the #1 reason ever to make sure your t-mobile peeps aren't worrying about this bartab or that dinner and etc.
...but i digress; these last couple'a days have been a nice proper slice of heaven in wholly convenient "hey i've heard no less than ~50% less random bitching about trump over the last two days" format. and idk if you personally believe in god, global warming, tom skilling, or some kind of other supernatural hoax perpetuated on the unsuspecting public cuz dammit, i like to think that jeffrey skilling was tom skilling's illuminati "blood money" sacrifice to [
REDACTED] in order to set him up with the powers to manifest destiny in an even more convenient weather format. i know "the science is in" and people who say stuff like "man, we hit 75 degrees on feb 18th? if that's global warming then sign me the fuck up because i'm going to enjoy the fuck out of this while i can and look forward to lipid's grand/kids enjoying their oceanfront property out by moline in ~50-75 years" = #DumbAsFuck because, clearly, global warming has nothing to do with the actual weather outside being unseasonably mild in the winter or hot/cold in the summer or what have you..... it has to do with something science-as-fuck enough to warrant a neil degrassi jr high mike tyson killer crossover special hosted by "the answer" alex iverson intercepting champ bailey's irish car bombs on the way to the endzone...
...and then wondering how they're supposed to act when they get there because, you know, anyone who doesn't believe in global warming deserves the "nelson muntz treatment" all the while failing to understand that the world is doomed, it's our [read: white people's] fault, and for the love of god
you need to buy into the COLD HARD FACT that the only way to save this damn world is a proper carbon tax! -- DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, if you weren't so hellbent on destroying the environment via your boundless unscrupulous greed, then maybe >we wouldn't have to tax your soda popinski's if you were willing to step up and take responsibility and
PAY WHAT YOU OWE to mother nature then we could perhaps finally begin with some much-needed reparations for this planet...
...but hey, i wouldn't hold my breath cuz we know how all these white people are with
reparations, amirite?
TLDR = yeah the last few paragraphs got a bit tangential and weird, but basically isn't this weather fucking awesome? what did you [and yours] go and do to enjoy this totally unexpected but "even more welcome than a victoria's secret model in heat" weather we've had lately?SINCERELY,
# sir talkstoomuch, esq/OT37; the man who puts the "read" in "manspreading"
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?