WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
Ogie Oglethorpe wrote:
It's not about the numbers, it's about the cold and meticulous methods devised.
No other country devoted such large resources to building a system of industrialized death. Germany did this to the point that trains to death camps received priority over trains to supply troops on the Eastern Front.
Look at the officers and men of the SS. They were well educated. They weren't your typical men carrying out a genocide.
I think Ordinary Men debunks some of this. It was not just SS taking part.
And the priority on the trains was likely when the war was effectively lost, so they were trying to "get rid of the evidence". I've had a Chinese professor claim Japan's actions in China were worse. I don't know how to measure one massacre as worse than another, or see how it matters going forward.
The volunteers in SS ranks (particularly in the Einsatzgruppen) were often men with graduate degrees. These weren't your normal conscripts carrying out the work of a dictator. These were highly educated and often wealthy men who bought into his vision and actively carried out his worst.
You're completely missing my point here. It's not about what genocide is worse or who did the most. It's about how the Germans effectively designed a machine to exterminate people in the most efficient means possible. No other genocide in history has been put into effect in a manner that looks like it was designed by industrial engineers.