I agree with the message the players are trying to send. I don't agree with using the National Anthem as the platform. Just because they are not intending to disrespect the flag, doesn't mean it isn't being disrespected.
If unity is the goal, then why chose a platform that promotes divide. Take a knee before the ball is kicked and asked for a moment of silence from the stadium. Have the team donate a game check to BLM, Wear a headband that sends a message, exc exc.
By using the National Anthem, you are burying your message of police violence toward black men and woman, and drawing focus to disrespecting the flag and all that it represents. If it is really about unity then find a way to bring EVERYONE together as a nation.
Seems like every day I read about more groups, laws, blogs and internet headlines that manipulate and force a wedge in between our many cultures in the United States. All I see hate and divide, where is the unity of all the people? Who is leading that protest? Everything is black, white and brown, when we need it to be Red, White and Blue.

The Doctor Of Style wrote:
Caleb Williams isn't really a "true" rookie because he turned 23 late into his 1st season in the NFL!"