Ogie Oglethorpe wrote:
No one was in actual danger until a fucking cop showed up. Perhaps you can see why I don't give a fuck when a man like Mr. Johnson in Dallas decides to extinguish a few of the pigs. If our cops actually served and protected their communities rather than served as a paramiliatary force, I would have a different opinion of them. Sadly we do not live in such a world.
I dont know about that but something happened to cops where their testosterone levels shot up 1000 percent.
Back in the day, cops were more easy going. You did something wrong, cop would say come on fella or come on pal and slap you on the wrist. Sort of like you see in the old movies. (white on white crime I'm talking about here. If it was white cops and black suspects, cops were not as lenient but that's a whole different thread).
But in the last say 20/25 years, they been real hardasses. Not sure what has changed them to be like that. Maybe the crimes commited are worse and you have to be on guard no matter what. Drugs are more prevalent these days than the past. So maybe there is a good reason why they seem so strung out.
Back in the mid 90s, there was some neighborhood disturbance and the block was blocked off by police. I had to get to my place but couldn't use the sidewalk. So I went around on the street, right besides the sidewalk. Cop comes out yelling at the top of his lungs GET THE FUCK BACK ON THE SIDEWALK. Like I was the criminal or something. That incident has been stuck in my mind since. Like what the hell happened to cops they have to yell like that. It's somewhat still true today.