The Hawk wrote:
You said you were leaving, then came back.
Not true, Bubba. I left
You asked for an received an apology. And the same stupidity exists.
It was not the apology that I wanted and deserved.
And you had your chance to flip out at black people in person. You took a pass. Shocking to absolutely no one either.
Do you want to tell people the reason behind what you offered to do? That was in a few of your PMs and I will not reveal what you said in them because they are considered private are they not? As for flipping out at black people that is not what I said. I said that I would not be afraid to say anything that I have said to black people including my compliment of Khalil Mack and his ability to destroy people trying to block him. Do you think that I am afraid of anyone? Funny stuff, Crest/LTG.
The notion that anyone should be afraid to express their opinions to minority people because they might attack you in return is not how I am built. I treat people the same way because I do not care what skin color that they are only that they are human beings. Many in the world do not do that and I think that is a sad thing. I think that most of the attitudes like that have been amplified by the media in trying to stir shit up and not to bring folks together. Why tip toe about race anyway. Lets say two children are born in a hospital, one black and one white. I'd say that those two babies are equal in all respects as human beings and deserve to be nurtured and loved accordingly by their parents. What happens as they develop is what other people do to them and teach them, the good and the bad. It is culture in the world that takes the open ended brain matter in the two children and forms it into the final product not the inherent fact that they were born black, white or half and half.
Don't blame that on your PTSD.
Gee Crest/LTG, why do you keep bringing up my PTSD? I think that you are doing it to insult me.
I don't bring it up as any kind of excuse for anything though you certainly accuse me of it. You should apologize for doing such an insulting thing. My PTSD is a disability which I must control both for my sake and those around me. It has not a damned thing to do with intelligence and the ability to conduct my affairs in life or to conduct educated conversations with people. I've had it for a long time without even knowing that I had it. Fortunately it didn't affect my ability to thrive in my working or coaching careers although for a time it did affect my marriage.
I take medication to allow me to sleep without having the flashbacks and nightmares that I used to have. In addition I take other meds to keep my emotions and temper under control along with counseling by both psychiatrists and psychologists. It has greatly helped me and I have long encouraged some of my veteran friends to seek help when they encounter similar stuff in their lives.
Now then please knock off the insults about my PTSD and your accusations that somehow I am a coward.