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PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:39 pm 

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HawaiiYou wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Crick Ramp wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Clawmaster wrote:
Like the pacing of the show, they get in and out of segments quickly, give you a little humor, some inside jokes, and most enjoyably do not take sports too seriously.

Remember very clearly when J Hood went off on the pompous jack ass Telander, it was well deserved, but seemed to limit him after, but you cannot deny the fact that he is a far superior talent to almost anything the score has to offer these days.

I don't listen to a whole lot of terrestrial radio anymore, but I agree that this is a really good show and it's mainly because of Hood. I was never previously a fan of Kap & Co.

dolphin is right that Jonathan belongs on the Score and it's a shame that Mitch couldn't put that shit behind him. There's enough blame to go around. I'm sure Hood knows that he fucked up by outright sabotaging a show right on the air. But Mitch should understand that he was the one who created that situation.

What specifically happened with that whole situation? I’ve heard bits and pieces but don’t know the full story? Would you mind giving the details?

Long story short.Mitch forced Telander on Jonathan. Telander came in acting like he was Hood's boss. Hood basically refused to participate on his own show. He just snarked on Telendar. It was delighfully uncomfortable but it obviously couldn't last.

Speigal did the same thing to Parkins on the air. But they gave Speigal a second chance. Why doesn't Hood get one too?

That’s not how Spiegs acted at all

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:52 pm 
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Crick Ramp wrote:
HawaiiYou wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Crick Ramp wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Clawmaster wrote:
Like the pacing of the show, they get in and out of segments quickly, give you a little humor, some inside jokes, and most enjoyably do not take sports too seriously.

Remember very clearly when J Hood went off on the pompous jack ass Telander, it was well deserved, but seemed to limit him after, but you cannot deny the fact that he is a far superior talent to almost anything the score has to offer these days.

I don't listen to a whole lot of terrestrial radio anymore, but I agree that this is a really good show and it's mainly because of Hood. I was never previously a fan of Kap & Co.

dolphin is right that Jonathan belongs on the Score and it's a shame that Mitch couldn't put that shit behind him. There's enough blame to go around. I'm sure Hood knows that he fucked up by outright sabotaging a show right on the air. But Mitch should understand that he was the one who created that situation.

What specifically happened with that whole situation? I’ve heard bits and pieces but don’t know the full story? Would you mind giving the details?

Long story short.Mitch forced Telander on Jonathan. Telander came in acting like he was Hood's boss. Hood basically refused to participate on his own show. He just snarked on Telendar. It was delighfully uncomfortable but it obviously couldn't last.

Speigal did the same thing to Parkins on the air. But they gave Speigal a second chance. Why doesn't Hood get one too?

That’s not how Spiegs acted at all

He did. He was critical on Parkins ON THE AIR and he was embarrassing himself. Any musical reference Parkins got wrong Speigs would be on his ass ON THE AIR rudely correcting him. Like it was suppose to be a show about music. It was fucking ridiculous.

Speigs was so selfish and petty to go after the new guy because he earned the job instead waiting around in The Score Politboro where you're expected to wait in line to get your name called. Which will never happen.

That's why I always say Goff was screwed. Any business, you publicly go after your own employees or company, you're gone no questions asked. Like Hood was.

But that didnt happen with speigs. Instead they got rid of Goff which was completely bullshit. It was like Bush invading Iraq when they had nothing to do with 911.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:54 pm 

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I don’t know man. I listened to all those early segments and there was some early friction to be sure but it wasn’t all Spiegs doing. He was sensitive at times but not to the point of sabatoging

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:30 pm 

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Don't listen to much terrestial radio either, honestly sports radio as a whole has just kinda sucked. Maybe because no Chicago team has been that relevant in last few years.

Hood has always been my fav. Him and Silvy right now I think are the best sports guys in Chicago.

Are Score rating still up? I cannot imagine anyone having any interest in the product. Its just horrible, the whole SJW, nerdy, smart radio just got boring.

Not even a reason to hate listen.

Probably in minority and ratings are high. Who the hell knows. I am in mid 40s and maybe that 20-39 demo likes that.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:03 pm 
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cookie23 wrote:
Don't listen to much terrestial radio either, honestly sports radio as a whole has just kinda sucked. Maybe because no Chicago team has been that relevant in last few years.

Hood has always been my fav. Him and Silvy right now I think are the best sports guys in Chicago.

Are Score rating still up? I cannot imagine anyone having any interest in the product. Its just horrible, the whole SJW, nerdy, smart radio just got boring.

Not even a reason to hate listen.

Probably in minority and ratings are high. Who the hell knows. I am in mid 40s and maybe that 20-39 demo likes that.

Maybe young people listen but i dont know. seems like they have other options better than listening to the radio these days.

Having the Cubs is where The Score makes it's money and it's ratings. That was a huge win win for them. Probably the one thing that kept the lights on during the 2020 pandemic.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:16 pm 
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Caller Bob wrote:
Damn was Hood always that big?

Shot or no shot?


PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:46 pm 

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That suit coat is terrible

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:25 am 
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blackhawksfan wrote:
Caller Bob wrote:
Damn was Hood always that big?

Shot or no shot?


who is that? Kap? I never knew he was so huge. Maybe he can give advice to Hood on how to lose the weight if that's him.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:58 pm 
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Caller Bob wrote:
Damn was Hood always that big?

I had a post a while ago that Hood was becoming Jiggs. He must have saw that post and took it as a challenge. Be healthy J Hood.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:43 am 
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Kap said yesterday he never heard of The White Stripes before. LOL

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:03 am 
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He's a huge Foo Fighters fan. :lol: Kap does pull off the unhip-guy-who-thinks-he's-really-hip thing pretty well.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:11 am 
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Furious Styles wrote:
He's a huge Foo Fighters fan. :lol: Kap does pull off the unhip-guy-who-thinks-he's-really-hip thing pretty well.

I bet he has no idea who Radiohead is unless you play him Creep

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:47 pm 
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Listening to the 3rd hour podcast and Kap and Hood are eating an Arby's Meat Mountain on air. Anyone try this thing?



PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:56 pm 
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I'm a daily listener and think it's a really good show with great energy. It's like a mixture of B&B with Drinky and Goff as producers and Fred and Angie. I'm not a huge fan of some of the bits, but the callers seem to love them.

Be well


PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:59 pm 
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it's a good show. it's also a sad day when a competent radio show that talks sports and has energy is suddenly the best show in the morning and middays.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:11 pm 
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cookie23 wrote:

Are Score rating still up? I cannot imagine anyone having any interest in the product. Its just horrible, the whole SJW, nerdy, smart radio just got boring.

Probably in minority and ratings are high. Who the hell knows. I am in mid 40s and maybe that 20-39 demo likes that.

What is nerdy radio? If it is comic books and their movies then I completely agree. Is it talking about the finer television shows, dining, living in the city, and other upscale activities? Because if it is advanced stats, team construction, the science of sports, or sports business then I am the polar opposite. That is actually what I find most interesting about sports not meatball discussions or rooting for favorite teams. And the whole SJW slant is overstated. Parkins and Spiegel have made their feelings known about politics which unfortunately includes Covid but it is not a talking point of their show. Does Mully and Haugh talk much about politics or SJW? I never listen to their show so I don't know. And no one has sympathy for you if you are SJW-sensitive and listening to Bernstein.

Lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:41 am 
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Good mix of NFL experts, can take in a segment or two from the show via podcast while working out and receive all the info I need for the day. Get a much more honest discussion than you do on any show on WSCR, because you don't have to parse through all the team protection you get from "experts" like Hub who give you almost laughable Bears thoughts in an effort to protect Bears ownership, the already tedious La Russa hate, and certain hosts annoying efforts to discuss modern home run/strikeout baseball through a romanticized lens that would have been appropriate to the situational hitting/pitch to pitch strategy version of the game we all grew up with but is no longer applicable.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:44 am 
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Keyshawn Johnson talking down to Jay Williams can be entertaining in small doses.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:38 am 
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I want to like this show as it would be nice to once again have a local sports radio show I enjoyed listening to each day, and while I agree that this show does some things right (pacing of the show, doesn't get bogged down in "very important radio") I have a hard time listening for more than 15 or 20 minutes.

Kap's over-the-top douchey personality is a lot to take and he usually seems like a parody of a cheesy, narcissistic dope. It would also be nice if he didn't begin 75% of his sentences with "So..." 

I don't think Hood is funny, and he tries to be funny all the time. Most of his impressions are bad. He likes to bust people's balls, which is fine and very old-school Score as Clawmaster said, but while he's more than happy to dish it out he doesn't seem to be able to take it. People rarely give it back to him and I suspect it's for the same reason people on WSCR don't kid around with Mulligan and Holmes -- they can't take it. He often gets pissy if people disagree with him, trotting out the "Oh, so you think [insert over-exaggeration of the other person's opinion here]" act, which is lame and usually means the person can't back up their opinion.  

I didn't know he was THAT overweight. That can't be comfortable to live with on a day-to-day basis; not to mention the associated health risks.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:03 pm 
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Last week on the first day of the tournament , the did a shot , no shot to the question “ Will there be a double digit seed to make the sweet 16 ? They both responded with No shot . 7 of the 16 teams are double digit seeds :lol: :lol:

Proud member of the white guy grievance committee

It aint the six minutes. Its what happens in those six minutes.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:34 pm 
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I have tried to listen to this show on a handful of occasions. I'm sure Kap is a smart guy, but he comes off as such a dope on this show. He's equally as bad as Mulligan, just in a different way. The show is no better than Mulli and Haugh.

That being said, both of these shows are better than Mulli and Hanley, Mike and Mike, and Golic and Wingo.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:36 pm 
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I just saw Feder’s station rankings. ESPN was dead last overall.....ouch.

Hawaii (fuck) You

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:37 pm 
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denisdman wrote:
I just saw Feder’s station rankings. ESPN was dead last overall.....ouch.

LINK ASSHOLE! ... -wbez-top/

Here are Chicago’s top 30 radio stations from 6 a.m. to midnight Monday through Sunday, as measured by Nielsen Audio from February 4 to March 3, followed by format and average quarter-hour share of listeners age 6 and older (with previous month’s share in parentheses):

1. WBBM 780-AM/WCFS 105.9-FM all news, 7.1 (7.3)
2. WBEZ 91.5-FM public radio news talk, 6.4 (6.7)
3. WVAZ 102.7-FM R&B, 6.0 (6.8)
4. WLIT 93.9-FM adult contemporary, 5.3 (5.1)
5. WTMX 101.9-FM hot adult contemporary, 4.5 (4.4)
6. WGN 720-AM news talk, 4.1 (4.1)
7. (tie) WDRV 97.1-FM classic rock, 4.0 (4.4); WOJO 105.1-FM Mexican regional, 4.0 (3.5)
9. WXRT 93.1-FM adult album alternative, 3.8 (3.4)
10. WKSC 103.5-FM Top 40, 3.0 (2.6)
11. WLS 94.7-FM classic hits, 2.9 (2.9)
12. WPPN 106.7-FM Spanish adult contemporary, 2.6 (2.7)
13. (tie) WBMX 104.3-FM classic hip-hop, 2.5 (2.1); WKQX 101.1-FM alternative rock, 2.5 (1.7)
15. WSHE 100.3-FM adult contemporary, 2.4 (2.0)
16. WFMT 98.7-FM classical, 2.2 (1.5)
17. (tie) WSCR 670-AM sports talk, 2.1 (2.3); WRME 87.7-FM soft rock oldies, 2.1 (2.9)
19. (tie) WUSN 99.5-FM country, 2.0 (2.0); WBBM 96.3-FM Top 40, 2.0 (1.8)
21. WLEY 107.9-FM Mexican regional, 1.8 (2.1)
22. WGCI 107.5-FM hip-hop, 1.7 (1.9)
23. WLS 890-AM news talk, 1.6 (1.9)
24. WCHI 95.5-FM rock, 1.5 (1.8)
25. WMBI 90.1-FM Christian ministry, 1.3 (1.1)
26. WVIV 93.5-FM Spanish contemporary, 1.2 (1.0)
27. WPWX 92.3-FM hip-hop, 1.1 (1.2)
28. (tie) WCKL 97.9-FM contemporary Christian music, 0.9 (0.8); WCPT 820-AM progressive talk, 0.9 (1.1)
30. WMVP 1000-AM sports talk, 0.8 (0.7)

Here are Chicago radio’s top 10 morning shows from 6 to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday, as measured by Nielsen Audio:

1. WBEZ 91.5-FM “Morning Edition”; “BBC Newshour”
2. WBBM 780-AM/WCFS 105.9-FM Pat Cassidy
3. WVAZ 102.7-FM Steve Harvey
4. WTMX 101.9-FM Eric Ferguson, Brian “Whip” Paruch and Violeta Podrumedic
5. WGN 720-AM Bob Sirott
6. WLIT 93.9-FM Melissa Forman
7. WOJO 105.1-FM Raúl Molinar, Carla Medrano and Andrés Maldonado
8. WDRV 97.1-FM Brian Sherman and Steve Tingle
9. (tie) WXRT 93.1-FM Richard Milne; WKSC 103.5-FM Christopher “Fred” Frederick and Kristie Graybill

Here are Chicago radio’s top 10 midday shows from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, as measured by Nielsen Audio:

1. WBBM 780-AM/WCFS 105.9-FM Cisco Cotto
2. WLIT 93.9-FM Robin Rock
3. WBEZ 91.5-FM “1A”; “Reset”; “Fresh Air”
4. WDRV 97.1-FM Bob Stroud
5. WGN 720-AM John Williams, Anna Davlantes
6. WTMX 101.9-FM Nikki Chuminatto
7. WOJO 105.1-FM Rafael “El Primo Rafa” Bautista
8. WVAZ 102.7-FM Bioncé Foxx
9. WXRT 93.1-FM Lin Brehmer
10. WLS 94.7-FM Greg Brown

Here are Chicago radio’s top 10 afternoon shows from 3 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, as measured by Nielsen Audio:

1. WBBM 780-AM/WCFS 105.9-FM Keith Johnson and Lisa Fielding
2. WBEZ 91.5-FM “All Things Considered”; “Marketplace”
3. WLIT 93.9-FM Mick Lee
4. WVAZ 102.7-FM Joe Soto
5. WOJO 105.1-FM Sylvia del Valle
6. WTMX 101.9-FM Chris Petlak and Lisa Allen
7. WDRV 97.1-FM Steve Seaver and Janda Lane
8. (tie) WXRT 93.1-FM Marty Lennartz; WKSC 103.5-FM Brady Broski; WPPN 106.7-FM Maria Esther “La Chula” Mendez and Poncho “La Bestia” Mercado

Here are Chicago radio’s top 10 evening shows from 7 p.m. to midnight Monday through Friday, as measured by Nielsen Audio:

1. WBBM 780-AM/WCFS 105.9-FM Bob Conway; Andy Dahn
2. WBEZ 91.5-FM “Marketplace”; “The Daily”; “Fresh Air”; “1A”; “BBC World Service”
3. WVAZ 102.7-FM Keith Sweat
4. WLIT 93.9-FM Delilah Rene
5. WGN 720-AM John Records Landecker; Dave Plier; Chicago Blackhawks hockey
6. WFMT 98.7-FM
7. WXRT 93.1-FM Ryan Arnold
8. (tie) WLS 890-AM Mark Levin; WLS 94.7-FM Kid Kelly
10. (tie) WBMX 104.3-FM; WKSC 103.5-FM Jordan “JRDN” Foster; WTMX 101.9-FM Jordan “Dash” Orman-Weiss

---- my commentary below ------

Nice job fuckfaces over at am1000. You fire Murph so you can be FUCKING DEAD LAST! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I hope Murph is dancing on your fucking graves as we speak.

The Irony the group that took over the station is 'GOOD KARMA'. Well KARMA IS A B1tch Good Karma isnt it!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:43 pm 
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I'm convinced people are listening to The Score out of habit rather than an actual love for the shows. How can you listen to Larry, Bernstein, and Parkins all day? They just suck so bad. Honestly, I only listen to Kap and Hood podcasts and I will listen to Brad Biggs in the morning to get the lastest on the Bears. Everything else is shit!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:44 pm 
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blackhawksfan wrote:
I'm convinced people are listening to The Score out of habit rather than an actual love for the shows. How can you listen to Larry, Bernstein, and Parkins all day? They just suck so bad. Honestly, I only listen to Kap and Hood podcasts and I will listen to Brad Biggs in the morning to get the lastest on the Bears. Everything else is shit!

The Score's ratings will be going up when Cubs baseball starts.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:03 am 
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It wasn't too long ago that WSCR had a show in the Top 10 in the 6 to 10 a.m. slot and a show in the Top 10 in the 3 to 7 p.m. slot, was it? The Cubs would boost the 7 p.m. to midnight slot during baseball season, but their shows were doing fairly well during the dayparts even without the boost from the Cubs.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:45 pm 
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Tad Queasy wrote:
It wasn't too long ago that WSCR had a show in the Top 10 in the 6 to 10 a.m. slot and a show in the Top 10 in the 3 to 7 p.m. slot, was it? The Cubs would boost the 7 p.m. to midnight slot during baseball season, but their shows were doing fairly well during the dayparts even without the boost from the Cubs.

Hire Murph back to do a Cubs Post game show and they're riding high in the ratings.

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