Colonel Angus wrote:
Mac A, best host on the station
Jurco B, would score higher if he'd pay attention more in class
Harry B, not as bad as others make him out to be
Silvy A, gives Mac a run for his money
Waddle A-, works well with Silvy, less meatheaded than when he was with Kap
Carm B+, does solid work, rising star
Hoodie B+, works well with other co-hosts
JD A, the future of ESPN 1000 or wherever he gets a starring gig
Chet B-, delusional at times, delirious at others, mostly entertaining
Bruuuuuuuce B, I wish he'd have stronger takes, butsometimes lockerroom guys have to play nice
Tirico and Co. D+, I miss Kornheiser
Jeez I would have loved you grading my stuff in college. Jurco gets a B only when paired with Mac or when he's on Meth. Silvy although good is a AA washout compared to Mac. I'm looking forward to Tuesdays return of Harry given all the internal promo of MJ and C. You know it's got to be killing Harry
I'm like a carpenter building stairs.......Always thinking one step ahead.
"Mac" I've heard from Hollywood insiders that Jodie Foster is Asexual
"Jurko" A sexual what Mac? ,,,,,,,Dynamo??