T-Bone wrote:
BigW72 wrote:
Brick wrote:
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
I understood what he meant but there were about 25 fast food restaurants within a 15 minute walk - it was part of their meal plan - that's a true statement.
That's the thing I remember about my campus visit to Illinois State. They took me to some building that I think was a dorm that had a lot of floors and on the first floor they were like "They have every type of fast food you would want!".
That would be Watterson Towers. It was for many years the tallest and largest dorm (collegiate residence hall) in the world. It was a nut-house.
ISU has changed a lot since my years there. Cleaned up a lot, but in the process gentrified and full of Fast food chains.
ISU and U of I shared a few food establishments: La Bamba, Garcia's Pizza....and Grog's. Grog's was absolutely fun-bad. Carry-out special of $4 for a 12"pizza....free onions and peppers if you wanted them. The perfect food item for a nigh out that was conveniently located by the bars.
Good times.
I never cared for Garcia's.
I was there in the late 90s and although Garcia’s and Grogs was not there we still had La Bambas and a pizza place called Micheleos which was a $5 pizza. I amsure most of the bars changed names a lot as well besides PubII. I worked at Shanigans for two years. Best job I ever had but it too is long gone.
Pub II, Shanigans, The Gallery, Rocky's, The Cellar. The names were actually pretty stable. Unfortunately....the Pub II is the only one that remains. The Cellar moved out of the basement down the street but I'm not sure if it's even still there.
Each bar had it's own crowd. Shanigans and Pub II were mostly greek, although Pub II was the one place people would eat. The Gallery was the artsy-alternarific bar. Rocky's was the somewhat dance bar which really only was fun for Thursdays due to "Bad Music Night". The Cellar was the dive bar that mixed locals and college students to cheap to pay a cover or be in the greek system

I mostly hung out at the Cellar, but I was friends with the DJ at Rocky's so I went there a bit, as well.
Everything else is long gone due to gentrification. It's sad, as even by early 2000 it was a totally different scene. My younger cousin went there and they all basically drove to Bloomington for bars. Kind of silly, but that's the town of Normal.
Micheleo's was there and they were actually the best pizza on campus (Pizza World, Jake's, Tobin's, and Grog's....all of it was pretty much garbage. There was a Papa John's even in my day....I distinctly remember them opening in the suburbs well after I graduated and was like "ewww, really?"
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
brick (/brik/) verb
1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks
2. Proper response would be to ask an endless series of follow ups until the person regrets having spoken to you in the first place.