good dolphin wrote:
Nas wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
You knew what the reaction was going to be the moment he said "I want to speak directly to women"
He could have said anything after those words and a vocal minority of women were going to respond negatively.
Tridentine Mass Dolphin! I disagree. He could have praised them and tied it into their faith. I'm not sure that was great for increasing membership, but you would know better than me.
Just right off the bat and this has already been said, the audience was like addressing the marines at guantanamo on the 4th of July.
but getting to your last sentence, completely out of the context of this thread and the speech: sure, you can increase membership with some rainbow farting. What is the value of that membership other than to pay the dues? Membership has not increased by trying to be embraced by the world. People see that message and think, rightly so, that they can just be spiritual and not have to waste all this time on "ceremony." What is the use of a membership that so lacks an understanding of their faith that they strongly hold beliefs to the contrary? We get mocked, not praised for Buddy Jesus.
I don't agree with this clip and I've never seen a single episode of the show, but it isn't without some truth your flag. Tell the world who you are and why.
You have to meet people where they are, or you'll be turning out the lights. The Catholic Church has evolved a lot over the years, even when the Pope wasn't in fear of losing his life. That isn't an accident.
I was talking to a biological woman last week. She's a Bible thumper who does great work helping ex-cons get acclimated to life after prison in Atlanta. She was talking about trying to find ways to reach these people before they offended. I mentioned doing something for young children, and she thought there were too many obstacles to accomplish that.
I firmly believe you have to appeal to kids if you want to grow the membership of any church. Embrace social media. Don't be so rigged for some things. Will it be like it was when you were coming of age? No. It never is. It's about keeping the institution alive.
working with fellow sinners is a cornerstone, but, when the time is appropriate and they are able to receive the message, you do have to tell them to sin no more. It's like Sr. Prejean in Dead Man Walking. She isn't withholding her ministry from a man who is a rapist and murderer but he does have to come to acknowledgement that what he did was a sin by his own hand in order to receive the forgiveness she is preaching
I wouldn't advocate starting a conversation with someone laying in the gutter that they are a sinner. You have to ascend a hierarchy of needs.
As far as the medium for delivering the message, I'm game for anything.