hey all
anyone remember when we first started to kick the ever loving shi* out of Iraq
remember Tarik Aziz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=a6XiqJxn9N4remember that guy. When lil G Bushie begat shock and awe because he was pissed about
Sadam Hussein trying to kill daddy......add a coke habit, booze habit......the bible and
take on Cheney and well there you are...
when the war commenced, this guy was the stooge for what was left of Iraq for the international press...
if you are old, like me.....you remember this guy
and from that I ask you this one........................
who is more of a PR flack...........Aziz or that dumpster fire Shiffen?
show your work....if you need another blue back raise your hand....
90 minutes