Well I knew going in if the Hawks lost I would still have a great time and of course I was right. Let me first say what a great hockey game and I can't explain how it feels to walk into another teams building wearing Hawks jerseys and having people stare at you as to say "How dare you WEAR those jerseys in here".We had people mother fucking us all night and it was awesome. I will give the Wings faithful credit as most were very friendly and of course some were tools.(more on that in a moment).
Mac is the best guy to travel with on a road trip as he packed an awesome spread for the trip up and we munched on great samiches , fruit , power bars , water, rock star and candy.If was tough to keep some of it down thru Michigan and Im not bullshitting when I say this but every half mile a dead deer carcus was spaltered accross the highway for like a 180 miles.I counted 37 dead deer.
Of course the laughs were a plenty but we arrivied at the MGM grand hotel and Casino which was one of the nicest hotels I've ever stayed in and as were checking in Jonathon Towes and Adam Burish come up next to me to check out and Mac knows Burish so he's chatting with Adam and I introduce my self to Jonathon and we chat and I was surprised to see how big he was and he had one hell of a hand shake and grip and I can see why he does well in the corners digging those pucks out and then I went over to Burish and touched his neck where Eager's skate blade almost slit his throat .Very cool guys and thanked us for coming up to see them and I told them they had to win as we drove 250 miles to see them win.On the flipside Scotty Bowmen was the biggest douchebag you would ever want to meet as I went up to chat and he wanted nothing to do with us and mumbled something as I tried to shake his hand and Mac say's "Yeah , real thrill to meet ya Scotty"...laughter insued on our parts as we got stiffed by Scotty.
Get to the game and I got to meet Aggravated White Sox Bob and he's as funny as his posts and i learn Bob is a Wings season ticket holder which explains a lot and I will put together a road trip with some of you guys for nest year as Bob will sell me some of his games next year.
The Wings fans just gave us shit at every turn and nothing to hostile.Yet.... The place went quiet when we tied it and you could hear a pin drop for the next 20 minutes as that building can't even come close to what we have here but I dygress but boy the chirpping wouldn't stop when it ended. Cockey mother fuckers after the game which leads me to Mac challenging two drunk stupid assholes who just kept running their mouths to a street brawl on 3rd avenue in the middle of downtown Detroit as these jerkoffs thought they were tough guys and just wouldn't stop and as I was running back to the hotel I had told Mac he was on his own..
I talked him out of dropping the gloves with these guys as he was defending the honor of the Indian head..
We went back to the Casino and got our asses handed to us and button 48 as I tell the story of Me, Mac and Josh Mora from Comcast breaking down the game while rolling the little white ball at the roulette table. I have to say that Josh was a great guy and gave us a little insight on the Wings winning goal after talking to Campbell on what happen.
A Big button 48 of a story I know but I had a blast and thanks to Mackey for the great time and geeting us tickets to the game.