Exclamation Moint wrote:
OPV doesn't deserve my wrath. He's a symptom. But screw him anyway. Have the sac to use your real name. Yeah, I realize the irony of saying that a message board. Radio is a different animal, but anyway...
What'll be the difference between Spiegel and OPV? Another guy with meatball opinions who owes his broadcasting career to Mac. Maybe he's smarter or smoother. The flawed dynamic is the same. I don't want someone who feels the need to defer to someone's purported "dangerous talk."
Mac, Even though you helped him along in his career, Bernstein doesn't feel the need to kiss your ring, which is probably why you get fussy and need your juice halfway through transition some days.
That smarmy sycophant Teddy Greenstein isn't the answer either. Mac, you've become fond of saying fond "we're all whores." Speak for yourself. Do what you have to do to keep your access and your perk. Have your guests refer to you as * Danny Mac *. Protect your brand just like your protege does.
So... hey buddy, since you emulate his used car salesman so much, live up to the silly nickname given to you by that tranny Coppock. Be dangerous. Lovie Smith and Ron Turner don't commit to the run? Wow. They must be shitting in their pants, Edward R. Murrow.
Time to get solution-oriented. Now... if Mitch will have you back next spring, let him pick your partner or show some grapes yourself & pick someone who will honestly disagree with you, maybe even someone smarter than you. You can do it. You don't have to lose to a sports radio show that plays in the waiting rooms of hospices.
Tell me where to get off. I'm cool with it. Just know that we can hear something loud and clear listening to the four hours of AM radio that bear your name: you don't like your partner. You don't respect him or his ideas for the show. You've grown complacent. And yet you seem to have no new ideas yourself. Prove me wrong or keep staring into the fleshy face of regret, from which no light escapes.
Great post EM, chockful of spot-on moints.