Spaulding wrote:
Woodridge Ryan wrote:
I would have not had him work Thursday or Friday and then have him publicly apologize on-air Monday or at least write an apology to the White Sox if you wanted to keep it out of the spotlight. Set ground rules, clearly define that if it were to ever happen again you're gone, and move on.
He won't understand that. He went down to the clubhouse to be everybody's buddy. Hey how ya doing nice game so cool to hang out with you guys. I don't think he has the capability to understand he is there or anywhere in a professional capacity. His whole life/persona is schmooze.
He is probably not embarrassed. I bet he doesn't see the big deal people are making.
These players basically are in this town to collect a check....they have no ties here....they probably think Manny's is a Mexican place out in Little Village and never venture outside of the Viagra Triangle.....Harry has to start realizing this....THIS IS THEIR JOB...this isn't winning games at New Trier and then going to get loaded with their buddies in the stands....
In Harry's job, it is one thing to befriend a player...but this all out hero worship is bullshit and inappropriate........Harry sits next to a former professional athlete 5 days a week....."High Time" Harry starts listening and figures out what this is all about.