Coast2Coast wrote:
I turn on my radio in my office at 10 am and it's still tuned to ESPN1000 from last Friday. I don't realize it right away and there is Rosie doing I don't know how many items he had...maybe 20?...about the Bears game and every single comment was a negative one about the Bears. They win a freaking game, are in the NFC championship game and all he can find to discuss are negative bitches? Rosie is the anti-Harry. With Harry, the glass is always full. With Rosie, the glass is always empty. As if a grey Monday morning isn't tough enough, we have Rosenbloom dishing depression on the radio? Damn. WMVP ought to be distributing valium with this show. Those were three horrible minutes I'll never get back. Click.
Same thing the North show had too...Listened for about 1 hour this morning, and it was 'Bears are fortunate, the defense stinks, etc....BUT we'll take the win."