FavreFan wrote:
1.) The charity/John Edwards thing was a joke you idiot. I know its hard to have humor with a footlong stick stuck up your ass, but lighten up a little.
2.) Again - I've never claimed to know more about sports than most people here. This is your sub-par reading comprehension shining through again. I've claimed to know more about the NBA. And I think I do. Not just by reading but also watching constantly and also watching classic games pretty much anything I can to get a better understanding of the league. Like Ugie with golf. Try again.
3.) I've been on here for four years. It wouldnt take until just now to provide evidence of my reading comprehension. Maybe it took you that long.
4.) I have no need to continue arguing my point about Jay Cutler. Him pointing out his various boo-boos and saying he doesnt know if he can make it through this season is enough. It's obvious the man has no leadership abilities at all. You can continue to think otherwise though.
1)I didn't comment on your John Edwards joke, yet you're calling me an idiot for my apparently unsatisfactory response to it? What color is the sky in your alternate universe?
2)Thanks for clarifying that you are not an NFL expert. Given your performance in this thread, it would be pretty silly to argue otherwise. Your assertion of NBA expertise, however, remains puzzling.
3)For the most part, I try not to pay attention to your posts. Forgive me if my observation that you seem to have achieved something less than a 4th-grade reading level is a belated one.
4)Your original point wasn't that Cutler isn't a leader, but that he is a quitter. Apparently you can't even comprehend your own writing, which given its turgidity, actually isn't that surprising. In any event, might I suggest that it isn't a good idea to try supporting an argument with evidence that directly contradicts your assertion?
Antonio Gramsci wrote:
The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.