... ed-robber/Here is the story. Dennis Fleming of Farmington, New Hampshire returned home last Saturday and discovered that his home had been broken into. As he went to warn his neighbor, he noticed a thief trying to crawl into the neighbor's window. Mr. Fleming told the thief to "Freeze!," fired a warning shot into the ground, and held the crook at bay until the Police arrived.
Amazingly, when the Police arrived, they took both the criminal AND Mr. Fleming into custody! Mr. Fleming was originally facing FELONY gun charges for heroically foiling the scumbags larcenous intentions.
Thankfully, common sense has now prevailed, and these charges have been dropped. Live Free or Die, Johnson!
There has been no confirmation of the rumor that New Hampshire native Sam Fuld was influential in this decision, or that Sam Fuld described this as being better than winning a World Series.