Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
SpiralStairs wrote:
Isn't it just the slightest bit arrogant to think your religion is superior to all others?
If you really believe, you have to think your religion is superior, don't you?
And your question right there is exactly why Islam is a religion on the rise and Christianity is on the decline. There are enough Muslims that believe in the superiority of there religion that they are willing to die for it with the sincere belief that they will be greeted immediately by 72 virgins. See if you can find a Christian willing to die for his belief in Christ.
The reason why Islam is growing is probably because Muslims have a higher birth rate and in Muslim countries with Sharia law everyone must identify as a Muslim. So it's not as though they have any choice there. If you convert to Christian in certain countries you are put in prison and sometimes put to death. For Christians there converting is sometimes a death sentence. There are people in the United States who would die for their faith, but there is just not the same amount of persecution here that there is in other countries.
The reason why those Muslims blow themselves up is because they think that Allah will reward them heaven for killing in his name. When taken to its logical conclusion the religion of peace is not very peaceful. Allah is not a loving deity.
On the other hand Christianity allows for freedom: economic, social, personal and religious. There is the least amount of freedom in the countries that oppose Christianity (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, China, North Korea and the other former Communist countries). The Gospel message is essentially accept the sin offering of Christ, repent and receive God's love and forgiveness and share that with other people. The problem is that people want things their own way. God made man in his image and now man makes God in his image, except man's image of God is whatever a person wants him to be. But the freedom that God offers is essentially he allows each person to decide to follow him or not follow. If people don't want to follow him they can choose to live without him for eternity. God is not going to force you to love him or follow him, but there are consequences for rejecting him. He allows everyone the freedom to choose life or death.