Q.Bovifs wrote:
DannyB wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
Dahl used to describe how Brandmeier would not let people look at him in the hallways.
I'm still down with JB if for no other reason than memories of the golden age of chicago radio. Though I agree that it's hard to tell if he's on live or not. Weirdy, Howard Stern just this morning claimed that he almost no friends in radio. Of the 5 people he mentioned, one was Johnny. Wouldn't have guessed.
Who were the other 4?
Could you link the segment - I'd love to hear that.
I don't know where to find it but it was fairly early like the day after the guy from Opie and Anthony was fired. He was basically saying that he didn't give a shit. And then that he had almost no friends in radio. I didn't recognize any of the names. One was a producer from KROQ.
Edit: On second thought I found it on MarksFriggin.com
Howard Doesn't Care About Other Radio Shows. 07/15/14. 6:45am
After the break Howard came back and took a call from a guy who asked why he's in such a foul mood today. Howard said you wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes. The caller asked if it bothers him that those guys, Opie and Anthony, talk so much stuff about him and the company keeps them. Howard said he has no comment on Anthony more than he would if they took other shows off channels like the Bruce Springsteen channel. He said he doesn't care about anything else there. Howard said he's in radio, they're in radio and that's where it ends. Howard said Judith Reagan has a show on there but is anyone going to call him about her if she gets fired? Howard said he doesn't need anyone fired if they say something negative about him. He doesn't care.
Howard said it's like assuming all black guys are buddies. Howard said he knows very few people in radio that he associates with. He said Kidd Chris and Chris Booker are about it. Howard said Bubba, Johnny B and Gary Mayer are a couple of others. He said that's it. Howard said he'd like to call Cousin Brucie his friend but they don't get together that much. Howard said he has nothing to do with most people in radio. He said he is the most successful person in radio, hands down, and everyone else is just sort of there. Howard said that's how he views the world. He said if you can't deal with it then go fuck yourself.
Howard said he doesn't care if a team breaks up. He said they can call them and ask them what they're going to do. Howard said he doesn't care.
Howard said he's friends with Human Newman and Dead Air Dave too. He said he's a good dude too. Howard said that's it for radio guys