spmack wrote:
Beardown wrote:

Beardown you never take a break from giving Drinky a rough ride.
Well, he never takes a break from being an idiot. So it's on him.
hahahah well played there. with amattacola solo i always get this vibe like he's sneering at me in some sort of condescending/pedantic type style. it always seems like he's perched high up on some skyscraper broadcasting tower looking down at the regular folk who aren't there on his level so, *scoff*, he has to take a second to tell us what we need to know while we're all trying to call up and plead out cases like the word futile isn't in our vocabulary. i can't shake that feeling like he's got a buffer zone with us made of faux-righteousness borne of faux-intellectualism, i.e. he wants to brandish that unfuckwithability like bernstein does when matt feeds him idiot/disagreeing callers to hammer away at, its just that he doesnt have that "it" factor like dan does (cuz dan is simply way better at radio than amattacola)
i reckon bernstein gets the first pick of who he wants to replace terry, if anyone. while i'm sure a part of him would love to go solo and be THE MAN like he was sports pope west in thAT francesa mold (altho on the surface he'll NEVER admit to being like that cuz he wants to pretend he's the everyman anti-francesa/establishment, even tho we all know that at the end of the day dan sides with any corporation because SPONSORS/COMPANIES PAY HIS SALARY, NOT YOU LISTNER SCUMLORDS!!! ---- just like i've long said that dan's rosebud = he's "embracing debate" a la skip bayless / stephen A smith, except he has the audience/callers play the SAS role as opposed to having any actual opposition from his partner/s)
ultimately i think dan will still want a partner in order to have the default 90%+ agreement rate make his positions look that much more inherently populist.... not to mention it'd simply be more work if he was solo, even if it was a dan patrick type setup where he could stack his production team with 2/+ ppl to regularly chime in like the "danettes" do on the dan patrick show. maybe he'd welcome a solo gig cuz that's more $$$ for him (since they're not paying a proper partner for the bernstein show hours) and a chance to establish him as the single voice of reason who, like francesa, embraces the big business / establishment side of things because sports popes didnt get to their lofty heights in life by backing smalltime losers! oh no no no no str8up first class big business good monied REALLY.SMART.PEOPLE. til the cows come home.... i'll drink a diet coke to that!
but yeah in the end i bet bernstein pairs up with rozner or rosenbloom to add in the hockey specialty and cubs knowledge cuz the hawks and the cubs are the two big winners in town when this change with terry goes down. c'est la vie, no?
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?