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 Post subject: Telander "schools" North
PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:43 pm 
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Anybody catch Telander on Mully & Hanley today? While discussing Andre Dawson's comments from earlier in the morning, Telander took several shots at Pappy. He was particularly agitated over Mike's comment that Telander should lose his vote for the HOF becasue he didn't turn in a ballot this year. At one point Telander said "Mike should go back to school so he can learn how to read and write". I'm sure we'll hear an angry retort from North tomorrow - especially given the way Telander jumped ship from the station a while back.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:13 pm 
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Guess it had been too long since the Ozzie Guillen flap, so time to manufacture some controversy.... :roll:

Whether or not you agree or disagree with Telander's stance, I don't think he was directly accusing Dawson of using steroids which is what North interpreted it as

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:23 pm 
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Right. I disagree with Telender. But all he is saying is everybody is under suspision. That's the bed baseball has made.

I wouldn't mind Telender not voting for all guys who played in the mid to late 90's and beyond. That is when it was ramped around baseball. Still is with HGH.

But guys like Dawson, Goose, and Jim Rice are clean. Everybody knows that. He shouldn't lump those guys in.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:32 pm 
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Yeah it sounds as though Mully and Hanley were with Telander and against ol Pappy...

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:35 pm 
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For being so smart, it's funny how Rick Telander's name only comes up when he writes something really dumb....
Remember the 2002 Heisman ballot that included the following:
1st place vote: Willis McGahee (1,753 yards, 28 TDs)
2nd place vote: Frank Gore (Redshirt sophomore running back at Miami who was ahead of McGahee in spring ball and then hurt his knee; did not play)
3rd place vote: Tyrone Moss (Senior running back for Pompano Beach Ely (Fla.) High School who orally committed to play at Miami)

I'm sure Rick thought he was being clever... but it just ended up being clever to the dumb people and dumb to the clever people.

His degree from Northwestern only supports the case that he's likely an intelligent person, but not that he's a good writer or a good decision maker.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:01 pm 
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Telender is an ass. Can't stand him. Go Mike on this one!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:42 pm 
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BD wrote:
Telender is an ass. Can't stand him. Go Mike on this one!

I fully agree. Hopefully, the cut backs at the Sun Times include him.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:31 pm 
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well...mike sits there and sides with dawson, but fails to mention how his show would do hgh player of the day. also. he questioned thome also, so what norh is doing is playing both sides of the fence, which is so weak.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:45 pm 

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I agree Rick shouldn't have the right to vote anymore, and it sounds like all the talking heads on the radio agree also. Rick is really a cry baby, and needs to get out of this town. He hasn't written a good column in forever, and all he does is pitch his bad books he writes.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:19 pm 

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I personally cannot stand Telander; as he's lived his entire career on the coattails of the 85 Bears like Coppack has; but at least Coppack knows he's an idiot.

Telander thinks because he writes an opinion column that his opinion; not the subject of his opinion; is the REAL story. Sorry there, Rick. Your opinion blows, as many have said. He hasn't written shit in years. His whole gimmick is "I've written about the greats, so I'm great;" has worn thin in this town. I SO wanted him to be on the air still when the White Sox won the Series, as literally 52 weeks earlier on the Score, during "his" show:

"Guys, I've set up an interview with the Assitant General Manager of the Boston Red Sox. After you talk to him, you will understand the mindset of a real championship organization, AND THE REASON YOU WILL NEVER SEE A WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP IN THIS CITY UNDER THE CURRENT OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT."

(The only reason I remember this comment is that he made it in the middle of a Bears segment, which Buffone and J Hood just went ballistic on him; with J even saying "Rick, do you even listen to us when we talk?")

The only thing that makes Telander different than all of us on this board is that he gets paid for it.

In this situation, Pappy once again played on the emotions of his guest; and did not read the article to him in verbatim. He wanted to make his show "Must listen" for the next few days.

A whole bunch of crap, and honestly, I have to agree with B&B. If you want to send a statement, turn in your ballot and write of the reasons you are doing so.

But I think he's keeping it so he can vote for Sammy in 5 years.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:07 pm 

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When Telander wrote about Global Warming last week that clearly showed me he has no clue what he's doing. I also gotta side with North on this one. Why didnt Telander go on with North? Why did he go on with his butt buddies from the Sun-Times? Telander just a little scared of North, no doubt about that.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:08 pm 

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Bud Dude wrote:
When Telander wrote about Global Warming last week that clearly showed me he has no clue what he's doing. I also gotta side with North on this one. Why didnt Telander go on with North? Why did he go on with his butt buddies from the Sun-Times? Telander just a little scared of North, no doubt about that.

Mully/Hanley= actual reporters.

North/Murph/Berstein= "Score guys" who Telander can't stomach.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:17 pm 
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Bud Dude wrote:
When Telander wrote about Global Warming last week that clearly showed me he has no clue what he's doing. I also gotta side with North on this one. Why didnt Telander go on with North? Why did he go on with his butt buddies from the Sun-Times? Telander just a little scared of North, no doubt about that.

I would have loved to tear his column on global warming apart, assuming that he was echoing Al Gore's claims, but I wouldn't have gotten through his column without falling asleep.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:35 am 

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Rick Telander a big "jagbag". Who does he think he is? I stopped reading his column when the little punk got scared in the Bears lockeroom cause the players started turning the lights off and on. What a sissy. I bet you all the tea in China he won't call Andre Dawson "a dummy" to his face. I never buy the Chicago Tribune at the newsstand, but until the Sun-Times fire Telander, I'm willing to pay $5 for their paper before I buy another Sun-Times.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:57 am 
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His article was dumb. His reasoning for the ballot thing was dumb.

North is wrong here because its typical North. North obviously interviewed Dawson without reading the full article and getting the messsage. Dawson obviously didnt read the artcle. If he did, he would not have been so pissed.

North saw "STEROIDS" and "DAWSON" in the same story and got Dawson on ASAP.

Another day, another embarrassment!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:08 am 
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You and I may not like Telander work in the Sun Times. However, if you deny that he is a good writer, you never read his work in Sports Illustrated. I used to look forward to reading his pieces every time a new magazine arrived as a child. I believe he was the best writer at the best national sports journal for a good number of years.

He generally takes on subject matter that needs more flesh on the bones than what is allowed in a newspaper column. In reducing his work to a column his work becomes either pointless or has no context. Either way, it is not compelling to a reader. However, he has proven himself more than capable as a long form writer of stories and movies.

His success is not limited to the written word. Telander was also a big portion of the success of the hit radio/tv show "The Sportswriters."

In the big picture, his accomplishments dwarf anything done by any member of the SCORE team. I don't agree with his view on the ballot. I'm not particularly interested in his work at the Sun Times. However, the man has unquestionable skills.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:15 am 
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good dolphin wrote:
You and I may not like Telander work in the Sun Times. However, if you deny that he is a good writer, you never read his work in Sports Illustrated. I used to look forward to reading his pieces every time a new magazine arrived as a child. I believe he was the best writer at the best national sports journal for a good number of years.

He generally takes on subject matter that needs more flesh on the bones than what is allowed in a newspaper column. In reducing his work to a column his work becomes either pointless or has no context. Either way, it is not compelling to a reader. However, he has proven himself more than capable as a long form writer of stories and movies.

His success is not limited to the written word. Telander was also a big portion of the success of the hit radio/tv show "The Sportswriters."

In the big picture, his accomplishments dwarf anything done by any member of the SCORE team. I don't agree with his view on the ballot. I'm not particularly interested in his work at the Sun Times. However, the man has unquestionable skills.

I've never been impressed with his work. I find the subjects of his columns to be non-interesting, and, therefore, I stopped reading his columns awhile back.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:33 am 
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BD wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
You and I may not like Telander work in the Sun Times. However, if you deny that he is a good writer, you never read his work in Sports Illustrated. I used to look forward to reading his pieces every time a new magazine arrived as a child. I believe he was the best writer at the best national sports journal for a good number of years.

He generally takes on subject matter that needs more flesh on the bones than what is allowed in a newspaper column. In reducing his work to a column his work becomes either pointless or has no context. Either way, it is not compelling to a reader. However, he has proven himself more than capable as a long form writer of stories and movies.

His success is not limited to the written word. Telander was also a big portion of the success of the hit radio/tv show "The Sportswriters."

In the big picture, his accomplishments dwarf anything done by any member of the SCORE team. I don't agree with his view on the ballot. I'm not particularly interested in his work at the Sun Times. However, the man has unquestionable skills.

I've never been impressed with his work. I find the subjects of his columns to be non-interesting, and, therefore, I stopped reading his columns awhile back.

I agree with Dolphin. As a feature writer at Sports Illustrated, Telander was perhaps the best sports journalist in America. Since coming to the Sun-Times, though, his work has steadily declined. I can't decide if that's because his approach to writing isn't suited for columns (as dolphin argues) or because he's caught in an early 90s time warp when Michael Jordan towered over the landscape like a sports demigod and people still cared about what Mike Ditka thought. Either way, Telander isn't worth reading, which makes him a perfect match for North, who isn't worthy of a listening audience.

Antonio Gramsci wrote:
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:15 am 
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I tuned in today and its jist pathetic, Norths biggest issue with ricks column today is that he didn't puts mikes name in it. I don't read rick, but north is just getting sadder by the day.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:54 pm 
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Telander knew that would be the easiest way to take a shot at North.
As for Thursday's column, Telander also did some Mike North hunt and pecking.
He wrote that Mike and Brian seemed to understand him. Funny, I thought I heard Brian take issue with Rick on the thought of possibly voting next year. Brian didn't understand how Rick could so vehemently opposed to voting this year and leave the window open for next season. Brian -- plus B and B -- thought Rick would've been better off to just stop voting all together.
At least he could've done what Dick Schaap did with his Heisman vote. He voted for Jim Brown in 1956. Schaap was disgusted with Brown's fifth-place finish that he stopped voting for almost 20 years.
It was interesting that Rick decided to omit those parts of air-wave content, then he rails on Mike for just taking parts of his column and running with them.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:55 pm 
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Pappy made an interesting point when brought up Telander's column from 2006 in which he stated he actually voted for both Jose Conseco & Ken Caminiti becasue they admitted to steroid use. Telander uses some pretty strange logic. :roll:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:59 pm 

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Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
Pappy made an interesting point when brought up Telander's column from 2006 in which he stated he actually voted for both Jose Conseco & Ken Caminiti becasue they admitted to steroid use. Telander uses some pretty strange logic. :roll:

pappy does not know what sarcasm is. he thinks telander voted for these guys because he thinks they belong in the hof, he voted for them to mock those like mcguire who won't admit to taking steroids or hgh. north is too stupid to figure this out.

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