RFDC wrote:
Nas wrote:
RFDC wrote:
Nas wrote:
RFDC wrote:
Nas wrote:
She is following the guidance of the Trump administration and everyone is beating her up. It's sad. Same with Pritzker.
People are beating her and Tubby up because they are acting like stupid dictators who are more interested in their own power than they are their state.
You're beating them up because they are Democrats and you were told to. Both are literally following the guidance of the Trump administration. It's not even April 30th yet. Even after then there are multiple phases left.
Michigan isn't that far behind New Jersey and no one is attacking their governor. Illinois still hasn't peaked, but it's rising at a very slow rate. According to the Trump administration's guidance, NEITHER should open up. Maybe you should read it.
Again stop. Your act is getting really old.
I have said on a few occasions I thought Cuomo and Newsom have done a good job in dealing with this stuff. This is not a Democrat and Republican issue. There are several democrats around here that have issues with both Michigan and Tubby.
The Trump Administration never told Michigan to force people to stop buying seeds or to stop driving to their own property.
Needling folks for being hypocrites will never get old. I have very little to do besides that. I'm being nice about it.
Cuomo has worse restrictions in New York than Michigan has, but people are dying there at a high rate. Gavin Newsom has the same restrictions as New York even though significantly fewer people have died there than have died in Michigan. I believe Illinois has more deaths than California. You praise Newsom because the president has. You criticize the others also because the president has.
If you get the opportunity you should peak at the restrictions in other states around the country.
It is pretty impressive that you know more about why I say things than I know about myself. I will try to keep that and mind and PM you to ask what I should say in a certain situation. I was getting ready to respond in the NFL draft thread, can you help me out?
So if what you say is true then why are there democrats who have been just as upset about the things going on in IL and in Michigan? Are they just following Trumps lead as well?
Outside of this board, and according to every poll, the majority of Americans aren't bothered by the shutdowns. I have no idea why.
The states the president has targeted and the states with the "organic" protests are all states that he believes that he can win. One also happens to have a governor that Biden is considering as a running mate.
Most democrat and republican led states have similar restrictions. I don't understand how Michigan has so many deaths. Who goes there?