Curious Hair wrote:
man of few opinions wrote:
I recognize the only way it would make sense is to take one of the lowest revenue teams in the league such as the Jaguars. Even if they drew 60k in existing soldier field, the added media exposure they would receive and potential for growth in fan base and merchandise sales in a much larger market is a win for the Jags and the city of Chicago.
It's really amazing that the NFL never gave up on Jacksonville. They thought they were getting in on the next Charlotte/Raleigh/Nashville boomtown, but it ended being more like the next, I dunno, Greenville, South Carolina. It just never quite happened there.
There was a year there, 2009 or 2010, where the team got blacked out the entire year and no one was going to games, where I thought that was it for them and they were bound for Los Angeles. If I have the timeline right, I think they were circling the drain in Jacksonville right when Georgia Frontiere died. That must have given the league the idea that they could make the L.A. Rams happen instead if they were patient.
I would have preferred the Las Vegas Jaguars with the Raiders staying put, for whatever that's worth.
Florida teams in all sports have been through this....Rays, Marlins, and Jaguars. I could be wrong, but I recall each of these "expansion" teams had solid leases in place that made it financially impossible fr these teams to pull out. I seem to recall that being the case when Bud Selig was talking about contracting and he named Minnesota and Montreal but left out Tampa, which was just as bad.
Gerogia's death and all that timed up really nice with the Rams lease in St. Louis ending and the fact there was really no penalty for the Rams to pack up and leave.
I agree....the Jaguars were a better candidate for Vegas. I find the Chargers situation much more aggravating. The league should have forced the hands of the Spanos family to figuring something out other than the ugly step-child of LA. Ridiculous. Still....I think the league has real aspirations for Europe / UK. I think it's insanity, but they probably foolishly think that's a real opportunity.
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
brick (/brik/) verb
1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks
2. Proper response would be to ask an endless series of follow ups until the person regrets having spoken to you in the first place.