Spaulding wrote:
conns7901 wrote:
The point is I can give you a longer list of priest who molested kids in a catholic grammar schools than you can give me of liberal teachers/ school boards going to far on with gender identity issues in the classroom.
Sexual misconduct and abuse in the public school system is more common than you think, the political leanings of the the teacher/school boards is irrelevant. I can't find the department of education info but a few articles cited a study from 2004 probably this one ... -details-0 that it's at about 10% and the national center for victims of crime put it at about 9% for everybody. The likelyhood of it being a family member is about 35% and an acquaintance is at about 60%. It doesn't make teachers or priests bad. Here is an article that sites almost 3 per day in the CPS alone. ... 12-schoolsAdditional articles ... -teachers/ ... this-year/Hey Spaulding those numbers are sort of well, false. I provided stats which debunks those rather dubious claims but as "WE" know facts don't really matter around here, do they? Just Asking A Question.
And here is the "dirty little secret that "WE" in education "know" and have "known" for DECADES. The overwhelming (and its not even close) amount of molestation and sexual abuse of children occurs in the home. Not school. Do you quite understand that? If not allow me to state this again. The overwhelming amount of molestation and sexual abuse of children occurs in the HOME. Not school.
If you are really so concerned about the sexual abuse of children, then you would focus on the various ways in which they are being abused in their own household, seeing as that is very likely the very first place that they are actually "learning and being taught about sex". Not in schools from teachers.
pittmike wrote:
Technically I was drunk (big surprise) and asked her if she liked a tongue up her ass.
Frank Coztansa wrote:
Again, your comprehension needs work.