Nardi wrote:
Thomas-Sox-WorldSeries wrote:
The thing that kills me about the Johnny-come-latelys is when they refer to a saint as St. Luke or St. Etc. Look, bitches, we got a process for that, and you ain't involved. Go splay rabbit entrails over your lawn and read them for omens or whatever you do.
Among white folx, Catholics would have a better football team.
In all seriousness, the idea of faith over works is bonkers. Actually, that's something I really think is rational. Having a "close personal relationship with God" is a weird concept, unless you are talking about meditating. I'm an agnostic, though.
There's really only two choices, God or The Programmer. Unless you want to fall for the snake oil of the something from nothing Quantum fields or the"infinite" multiverses.
The highest probability is that we are just a series of chemical reactions. We don't look at the sun and the stars and think they have a higher power. It's simply a chemical reaction. In pieces, we can break down everything our body does similarly. A higher power isn't digesting my food, or processing oxygen, or growing my hair. Yet, at some point, when we combine enough of those processes, we have to add in a section we can't explain and have no real reason to even speculate on that a higher power has intervened to make those chemical reactions more than it would otherwise be.
That's not to say that a higher power doesn't exist. However, the higher power really should have no expectation in a true belief in it as all evidence of that existence stopped being provided about 2,000 years ago.