I have been the Midwest reporter for both ABC Radio and AP Radio for some 30 years,,so even if I happen to leave a local Radio Station,,I still have those things to do. I have covered the World Series,Allstar Game,Superbowl,Final 4 and other large National events for them. As I have told Steve Dahl and others,,,,covering News Conferences is mostly very boring!!
As for the local Stations here,,,I have a good relationship with both Mitch(at the Score)and Spaceball(at 1000),but there has been been no talk of going back to either place. I will likely be back at WLS this Fall for Notre Dame pre and post game,,and we are working on other things. I know several have emailed wanting me back at WSCR or WMVP but we shall see about that.
Let's clear up one other thing.....Anyone who thinks I was let go by the Score over an Allstar Game credential,,,,I have a huge Bridge in Bagdad to sell you!! Harvey Wells was going to get me out of there one way or another,,and just 3 days before my contract expired in July 2001,,he did so. That credential thing was BS. Ted Cox,Ed Sherman and Rob Feder know that and mentioned that back then in print. Harvey never wanted local programming on the Score during overnights from the start but since people like North,Gleason,McNeil,Ofman,Boers and others WANTED it and were all in my corner(and TDub's for evenings),Harvey relented,but NEVER was a Fan of what we did. That my friends is fact,and while there is more,I wont go into that untill perhaps I write a book(someday).
I do keep up with lots on
www.grobber.com and can always be emailed at
moosedogyork@yahoo.com and I do answer emails.
This site is lots of fun,and the webmasters here do a GREAT JOB on it.