Nas wrote:
Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
Wayne Kerr wrote:
Nas wrote:
I know that we're in an era where we're required to be outraged about everything, however, this doesn't bother me even a little. I'm not shocked that someone, including a judge, may use slurs in their home. I'm also not shocked that someone may have said something offensive during an attempted robbery. If she has a clear pattern of racial bias in her rulings, I would be outraged about that.
Agree with all of that.
The problem with that is she clearly does have a racial bias so I’m not sure how you could presume that doesn’t enter into her judicial rulings. Maybe not overtly but enough to effect an outcome.
Are you of the belief that she's the only judge with racial or others biases? Everyone has personal biases. If those things negatively impact their professional work, I see them as a problem. We have zero proof that they've impacted hers. All we know is that she shouted something offensive during an attempted robbery.
What you said earlier was rational. If there is a clear bias in her rulings, then we have a huge problem.
Like I said before, it just shocks me when a parent uses a racial slur in front of a (younger) child. One of the most interesting phenomenons I have seen is people who will occasionally use a racist slur (pretty much the N-word, but others, too) around close friends will NEVER use one around their children. There's a recognition there either that you have to break the chain or that having a child who drops racial slurs may not, as former poster Apologist* once put it, prepare you well for the 21st century, or both.
I never know what to think when someone (not just Whites, but mostly) will use a racial slur when talking to me. It's like they trust me that I'm cool with it, or almost like they are confiding something. They'll whisper it, too. I am sure this will enrage some of the context-free Millennials on this site, but it's actually really funny, kind of like a real-life Michael Scott moment.
* who incidentally left this board due to someone dropping a racial slur on him. Too bad; he was cool. Nas was the only one to call the person (a person who is hilarious but sometimes bobs in vileness, as we all do) out.
W_Z wrote:
we continue to live in a real-time "monsters are due on maple street."